Showing posts with label scarves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scarves. Show all posts

Friday, June 15, 2012

I guess that`s deja vu ...

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                                                                                               flats: primark,
                                                                                               dress: thanks to queens wardrobe,
                                                                                               belt: accessorize,
                                                                                               blazer: bershka,
                                                                                               scarf: h&m,
                                                                                               bag: thanks to Lulla,
                                                                                               bracelets: thanks to bolja, les jumelles,
                                                                                               watch: michael kors,
                                                                                               ph. Masa

Coral beat on my nails, leopard around my neck, and wind in my hair ... Don`t you just love these sunny-not- hot days? ;) I was wearing white dress again (already wore it Here)  but this time i added blazer and some accessories, including a new lovely clutch which was a gift from Lulla bags. And i gotta admit, i˙m more creative when i use one piece in different ways than in creating the whole different outfit. I love to use the maximum of an clothing item. ;) How about you?

Wishing you a nice Friday!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where to buy pashmina scarves....

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                                                                                      Recommendations for summer:

                                                                                               My new colors :) 

Many of you asked me how im buying my pashmina scarves, and this is my new way! Finally i met the girl, who is selling them in my town, so i just pick one color from this great catalog and make the order!Im not waiting to travel to Turkey, or chase people who are going on their vacations, and avoiding me beside that! ;) Not so much important or interesting for you, but for my girls it is! :) How do you like my new colors? Neon pashmina scarves?
Ne možete ni da zamislite koliko sam se radovala kada sam saznala da moje omiljene pašmine, mogu konačno da kupim i u Beogradu, i to po odličnoj ceni! I cilj je, ništa manje, nego sve boje iz kataloga! ;) Možete videti jedan deo boja od 97 koliko ih i ima, i ne mogu da odlučim ni sama koju bih pre! Na jednoj fotografiji možete videti preporuku za leto, a na poslednjim moje nove boje! Fluorescent peach&yellow, pink koju ste videli u prethodnom outfit postu, i ova šarena safari!
Da li vas zanima kako da dođete do njih????Ništa lakše, olovka i papir u ruke i brzo zapišite, sigurna sam da će vam kad tad zatrebati! :)
Ime: Marija
kontakt telefon: 063/ 899 32 33
cena jednobojnih ešarpa: 1.000 dinara
šarene: 1.200 dinara.
Koja je vaša boja? :)