With Taylor Swift's new song out in the UK, I thought it was about time to share a post that I actually put together a while ago and stumbled upon this week, celebrating her sense of fashion and style! Although some of Taylor Swift's fashion choices aren't exactly my cup of tea, there is a whole array of gorgeous outfits to choose from that fall firmly into the category of Modern Country fashion!
Take a look....
In fact, the thought has just struck me that Taylor Swift could totally be described as a Modern Country singer, couldn't she? {Is that already a thing that I've totally missed out on?!} so I guess it makes complete sense that her fashion choices fall so firmly into the Modern Country Fashion slot!
I'm loving the bold red lip. And what a perfect look for autumn, when stronger shades of berry tones start to call my name! Whether it's boho country, or a more contemporary edge, Taylor Swift has her fashion choices nailed.
Aaah, Taylor Swift and your gorgeous outfits: Modern Country Style salutes you!
Take care till next time,
Harpers Bazaar, unknown, Pinterest, NorthWood Pix, unknown, unknown, Disney Dreaming, fearlessswift, styleguidecapetown, malibujoe, usmagazine